Saturday, October 10, 2015

charity of your choice

I know that this blog is called actions for animals but i would like to propose a new system. 

From now on i am doing a charity of your choice. I would like to give people the option to donate to any charity(s) from one website so i am looking for a charity of your choice group to help me get things started and figure out all the small details, so for now if you are interested in helping charities this way drop a comment and we can figure this out together!

Friday, July 3, 2015


hi Animal lovers, 
One of my favorite things to do is sign petition to help animals. 
I have attached some links to petitions that i really believe in and i'm hoping you will sign them or some. 

pic of cute peacoks

pic of cute peacocks

Sunday, June 7, 2015

a new business

Hi fellow people

     i know i start stuff a lot but i am doing a pet photography business.
to contact me about it leave a comment with your contact info and i will get back to you.


Monday, May 18, 2015

Saturday, May 9, 2015


I have formed a world wide group where people fined animals good homes.
First you tell me the animal shelter you live closes to and what kind of animal you want to help, then i will assign you an animal and you do everythin' you can to help get that animal a good home, you will keep checking its website and when it gets adopted leave a comment and if you want i can send you an animal rights badge. Then if you did posters or what ever you did to advertise this animal you take them down and if you liked it you can keep doing it, if that is the case you will do it over aging.

                                              WE ENCOURAGE YOU ALL TO DO IT!  

AG clothes hanger

American girl clothes hanger

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

picture of monkey, and big news

Picture of monkey
4x6 print and now all pictures available in canvas. canvas price discussed once someone is interested.
for print $7

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Hi everyone!!
Today i went to a web site called and even if you are not an kid it is a really cool place, it is mostly for kids but it is still interesting.
I recommend going there. So go there right now!!!!!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Sunday, March 8, 2015

7 perler bead animals

perler bead butterfly

perler bead dog

perler bead turtle

perler bead poller bear

perler bead giraffe

perler bead platypus

perler bead twin birds

All 75 cents and brand new


picture of African elephant

Picture of african elephant.

8x10 print.


Friday, March 6, 2015

stuffed animal panda

small panda stuffed animal.

came from San Diego zoo.

brand new.

very soft.


Sunday, February 1, 2015

2 perler bead animals

orca perler bead 25¢
 bunny perler bead 25¢

all brand new.
hand made.
both sides Ironed well to make the beads stay.
WARNING: Fragile handle with care.
please keep away from small children and/ or animals.
choking hazard if broken.

loom band rubber band bracelets

 blue necklace 50¢

green bracelet 50¢

all brand new.
hand made loom band bracelets.
1 of each in stock so get yours today!!

Monday, January 19, 2015

what should we sell?

hi animal lovers!!
we think it would be cool if we heard from you and you told us what would be cool to sell and what you would buy so drop a comment and tell us what you would like!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

actions for animals

this is the actions for animals intro and in this blog you can buy stuff and help animals.
  what happens is we post a pic and if you want the thing i post you will leave a comment i will tell you if it is in stock, if it is you leave a privet comment with your address so i can send it to you.
  We have a no returns policy.
and remember even if you don't have a pet you can still help a homeless one!!!!!

1/2 of your money will go to animals and the other 1/2 will go to help support the business.