Saturday, August 20, 2016

wall hangings

New doggie wall hangings available, perfect for the ultimate dog lover!!

buy yours today for $4.00 each


We have many new animal photos available at actions for animals, get yours today!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

New give away

New dog and cat toy give away! enter your name to win a 1/5 free dog or cat toy

emale Confermed

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The email for subscription has just been confirmed at Adoptable Pets Of The World.
 To subscribe, please email

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Adoptable pets of the world

For those of you that are not subscribed or did not get the latest episode of Adoptable pets of the world, here are some of the featured animals. 

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Adoptable pets of the world

Animal lovers! a new email has open up with a news letter every other Saturday So send an email to
if either of these work please leave a comment because currently the account is having difficulties.

thank you!!!